Class Options

I offer classes to suit various levels 

I understand that as busy mums, with kids to juggle and high demands on us, we can’t always commit to regular classes and sessions. It only takes one bout of illness and you lose money.

This is where my postnatal classes are different – they are NOT a course. You simple buy a bulk of classes and then use as and when you can. However if you want results, you do need to make sure you book in weekly at least, or twice a week or more if you can! But if you can’t one week, it’s not a problem and you don’t have to worry about losing out.

I currently run 2 classes, the Saturday morning class at The Honeycroft 

Suitable for ALL women. If you have recently given birth (and had your 6 week check) or you are menopausal then this is a GREAT class for you. Emma’s unique style of teaching combines pilates, resistance training, functional movement, alignment and an education in how your body works. This isn’t an ordinary exercise class, be prepared to work hard. Emma is renowned for getting the floppiest core and pelvic floor in working order again. This isn’t just an hour out of your week, the class carries on when you walk out of the studio! How you sit, stand, hold yourself, this training is for LIFE not just for an hour. You are welcome to bring a babe in arms, but please do try to make this TIME FOR YOU. No drop-ins must be booked in advance.

as well as an Advanced Small Group Training Monday evening class at Stockwell Lodge

Advanced Small Group Training – open to any of Emma’s previous 1-2-1 clients. Small group of up to 5 women, in a private studio. This is where exercise gets serious, this is a super tough workout which focuses on sculpting and strengthening the whole body whilst still retaining Supercharged ethos of posture and pelvic floor strength. Assessments for this class are done on a regular basis, if you wish to join and have not been before please get in contact with us at No children at this class.

I recommend everyone starts with the Saturday morning class, 121 sessions or combine both.

Once you are stronger I recommend you join a gym or exercise more at home or attend my Monday Evening classes at a private personal training studio in Brighton.

How to book To purchase postnatal exercise classes and book onto the sessions click the button below