I remember looking down at my changed tummy thinking “My bikini days are over”
Yes I had just given birth and new that my body would never look exactly the same, yes I was proud of what my body had achieved but inwardly I was going through a slight grieving process, re-accepting my new body.Over the months my body did change and it did start to resemble pre-baby.
However it was my tummy that concerned me, it just wasn’t right, I felt like my tummy muscles were no longer switched on, I had slight back ache and from looking in the mirror I could see my posture had changed and I was now standing with a tucked under bottom. To others I had lost the baby weight but I knew that something wasn’t right, I often heard mums say that there tummy had never being the same since pregnancy, that they had a pooched tummy or that they looked 3 months pregnant all the time.
It was when I went to see a specialised trainer in mummy fitness that I discovered that I had a condition called Diastasis Recti (tummy separation)
I was pleased my condition had a name and I was told with a lot of hard work and dedication it could be made better. What I was gobsmacked about was the fact that as a trained fitness professional I had never heard of this condition, neither had any of my fellow trainers. I have since learnt that its not something covered when qualifying to become a personal trainer, sadly most trainers don’t know that normal sit ups, oblique & bicycle twists, and popular exercises should as the plank can actualyy worsen the condition.
What is DR?
DR is the separation of the Tummy Muscles which occurs during the later stages of pregnancy. The connective mid-line tissue is stretched and weakened at the front of the abdomen. The ‘gap’ should narrow naturally in the days after birth, however it often doesn’t come back completely on its own and if after 7 weeks postpartum it still hasn’t closed then the chances are- if you don’t do the correct reconnecting exercises – it will still be the same in 2 years time.
How do I now if I have DR?
One way is simply by having a tell tale pouch or still looking 3 months pregnant despite loosing the baby weight, another tell tale sign is poor posture and or back pain, another way is to test by placing the fingers just up above the belly button and coming into an abdominal crunch, the gap that you may feel can run down the whole abdomen. If you are unsure then I can test for you or go and see a specialist. I find that the fingers technique can help you feel the gap, however don’t let lots of other people start proding as we all have different finger widths so its impossible to be that accurate. Once it has been diagnosed then stop prodding! Prodding daily won’t close the gap any more! Instead spend your time practising the exercises then after 6 weeks of exercise test again.
Can it be corrected?
Yes you can, it takes time and dedication and hardwork, I corrected mine and I am proud to say I now wear a bikini on the beach, it didn’t happen however over night.
I didn’t learn about my DR until my boy was 9 months old. Had I have known about it previously and in particular whilst I was BF then the hormone Relaxin would have still being produced and it would have helped the gap to close.
How can it be corrected?
First off stop the sit ups and planks.
Most of us think doing a crazy amount of sit ups will give us a flat tummy, not the case if you have DR. Its about strengthening the core muscles including the pelvic floor and its about doing exercises to help correct the posture. You need to think about activating the deep core muscles the Transversus Abdominas in every day activities. Its about being careful how you transition from standing to lying and vice versa, any doming of the tummy muscles can worsen the DR. Its about strengthening the core –that’s the whole midsection – not just the pelvic floor, or abs in isolation.
How can DR effect you emotionally?
Just remember you can make it better, I never thought I would wear a bikini again but I do! Yes after pregnancy and giving birth you would rather you didn’t have this but remember lots of mums have had it and have repaired it. Others have never heard about it and live life thinking there abdominal pooch effect is a normal occurance after pregnancy. One of biggest problems for many mums is that after birth they continue caring for they baby however they and others forget that there body has gone thru a major transformation. I wish I had given my body an hour a week for some tender loving care, I new that my tummy wasn’t right neither was wetting myself before I made it to the toilet! Hoever for months I ignored my problems.
I’m just glad I managed to repair my tummy and my pelvic floor otherwise I would probably have had severe back ache in few years and wearing sanitary towels daily by time I was 50!
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