You may think you are doing everything right, so why do you still have a rounded tummy, why aren’t you losing body weight?! How do you lose tummy weight after pregnancy?
You shouldn’t just focus on calories in and calories out and sweating loads doing cardio to help you lose that tummy weight.
One of the greatest reasons for storing body fat around the middle is STRESS!
Stress comes in many forms, there are the obvious forms, work, having a new baby, relationship etc…. then there is the added stress that occurs to our bodies in the form of what we eat and how little sleep we are getting.
I know, I know, you have a baby- you can’t control the amount of sleep you get! The baby is in charge of that!!!
But you can help in other ways.
Stress increases a Hormone called Cortisol, it’s Cortisol that contributes to belly fat.
Our bodies also become stressed by consuming too much caffeine and eating processed foods loaded with added sugars!
Here are some useful tips to help you control your hormones and help eliminate the belly bulge – get rid of that pregnancy tummy weight for good.
- Snack on protein to fill you up. Reaching for toast and peanut butter, biscuits, cakes. Crisps etc isn’t what you need (as comforting as they may be!) Have protein available, take boiled eggs out with you, have ready made chicken breast in fridge, buy the no drain Tuna for quickness – all these are quick ideas to have handy nutritious food at your fingertips.
- Balance your plate: Your plate should be mainly green veggies, then protein, then a small portion of carbs.
- Choose the better carbs: Choose brown rice rather than bread or pasta. Sweet potatoes instead of regular ones.
- Don’t skip meals. By skipping meals your body starts to store foods as fat. Then by around 3pm your have a total dip in energy, then you reach for sugary foods! You then have a larger tea and often need snacks before bed to suppress the hunger. Eating regularly stops the 3pm dip in energy.
- Eliminate processed foods: Most things than come in a packet are processed! Eliminate slowly so you don’t get a sugar come down (sugar is as addictive as cocaine!)
- Watch portion sizes too! Choose a smaller plate.
- Fruits are great, however choose protein rather than fruit to snack on, you want to be full not add more sugar to diet! I’m not saying fruit isn’t good, but it is sugar so watch the amount you consume!
Improve life balance.
Whilst your baby predicts your sleep patterns, you can help reduce stress to your bodies in different ways. Reduce that post pregnancy tummy weight through a combination of exercise and nutrition.